第一日係英國, 係5月30日, 呢日唔係星期日, 但所有野都冇開門...
我地係london 周圍行, 去左睇白金漢宮既換兵儀式, 大笨鐘, 倫敦橋, 國會, etc...
行左成日, 當然會好肚餓架啦, 但我地果時唔知點解搵極都搵唔到野食, 唔明點解d 餐廳全唔都closed...當我地係度研究做乜咁多餐廳執笠既時候, 我地先發現一個notice:
我地係london 周圍行, 去左睇白金漢宮既換兵儀式, 大笨鐘, 倫敦橋, 國會, etc...
行左成日, 當然會好肚餓架啦, 但我地果時唔知點解搵極都搵唔到野食, 唔明點解d 餐廳全唔都closed...當我地係度研究做乜咁多餐廳執笠既時候, 我地先發現一個notice:
我地六個都好surprise, 到底呢個係乜假期呀, 可以令到所有地方都閂哂門, 我地呢d香港人, 慣左大年初一都可以好多舖頭開門, 真係唔明點解會有公眾假期d商人唔做生意既logic!!!! 而且我地都唔明昵個究竟係for 乜既假期???
最嚴重既係連地鐡都唔開呀, London eye 都唔開燈, 超誇張呀!
>暗淡無光既LONDON EYE!!!!>
<雖然係唔關事, 但我地都話係bank holiday 既錯>
返到香港, check 左wikipedia,有以下解釋:
"A bank holiday is a public holiday in the United Kingdom and also in the Republic of Ireland. There is no right to time off on these days, although the majority of the population not employed in essential services (e.g. utilities, fire,ambulance, police, health-care workers) receive them as holidays; those employed in essential services usually receive extra pay for working on these days. Bank holidays are so called because they are days upon which banks are shut and therefore (traditionally) no other businesses could operate. Legislation allows certain payments to be deferred to the next working day"