要遊覽SB這個地方, 最好的方法是租車, 沿著101公路北上2-3小時便會到達; 你也可選擇搭乘Amtrak 火車. 這個小小的城市, 有著美麗的自然景色, 你可以沿著main street 走向碼頭, 在沙灘上寫意地散步; 或在當地租輛單車, 沿著海岸踏個痛快; 你也可以在碼頭上的餐廳享用海鮮大餐,我在那裏吃了個龍蝦餐, 也只是20美元左右. 此外, 我還參加了當地的賞鯨團, 2-3小時的旅程, 除了賞鯨外, 也看到了水瀨, 海豚.
當地最具藝術色彩的景點, 絶對是有教堂之后之稱的 Old Mission. 這座建於十七世紀的教堂, 美得令人難以形容, 除了本身的建築美外, 還包括當地的藝術家在地上畫的彩繪. 這座教堂還有一個導覽團, 你可以”奉獻” 入內參觀, 但由於我身邊的朋友不是教友, 最終也沒入內參觀, 現在回想實在有點可惜.
如果大家打算到加洲旅遊的話, 不要只懂去LA 或者 San Fran, 花一兩天的時間到SB來吧, 你一定會覺到值得的!
Ken at 09/01/2008 07:30 am comment
UCSB is wonderful. I was in CSPU, Pomona.
Ken at 08/27/2008 04:52 pm comment
Santa Barbara is indeed a pretty city. I love the early morning fresh air, mist and fog especially in winter and spring! What school did you go to? Did you like it?
Ken at 08/27/2008 04:52 pm comment
Santa Barbara is indeed a pretty city. I love the early morning fresh air, mist and fog especially in winter and spring! What school did you go to? Did you like it?
Ken at 08/27/2008 04:49 pm comment
Santa Babara is indeed a pretty city. I love the early morning fresh air, mist and fog especially in winter and spring! What school did you go to? Did you like it?